Welcome to this month’s edition of the Project Management Insights newsletter.

Five thoughts on project management for May 2024:

1)   If you missed it, May 13th was “International PMO Day”. The celebration was started in 2023 to highlight, promote, and appreciate PMOs around the world. PMO Day seems to be gathering steam and will be held the second Tuesday of May each year.

2)  Do you find that when you ask for feedback — it is often someone’s opinion or less valuable than helpful? Liane Davey shares a 3-step process on how to ask for the feedback you really need. Liane suggests that you ask for targeted feedback. If you frame your request properly, you are more likely to receive the gift of candor that supports your professional growth and strengthens relationships.

3)  Greg Chasson, Assoc. Prof. Psychiatry at the University of Chicago, recently published a book “Flawed: Why Perfectionism is a Challenge for Management”. Tailored for managers, Chasson’s book provides a roadmap for understanding, detecting, and solving 5 common ways perfectionism disrupts the workplace. Check out this summary by Emma Da Vita “Handle with care: how to deal with perfectionism”.

4)  Did you know that psychological safety within the team reduces project errors? Check out Mark Machin’s article on how the lack of psychological safety has a negative impact on project performance. And Mark some real-world examples of how to use psychological safety.

5)  According to the Business Agility Institute’s latest research report, 79% of businesses have more strategically important work than they can handle, but 62% are doing nothing about it. (!!) Check out the report here: https://businessagility.institute/learn/balancing-act/752.

Help my colleague Evan Leybourn at the BAI by taking a short 6-question survey on why the ability to collaborate and “Act as One” has drastically dropped over the last 18 months:  https://bizagility.typeform.com/to/TosMBkXf

One question for YOU to ponder:
  • What area of your life would you benefit from having clearer boundaries?


“If you worry too much about what might be, and wonder too long about what might have been, you will ignore and completely miss what is.”

Marc and Angel Chernoff, authors

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  • 4 thoughts on project leadership,
  • 3 recent happenings that caught my attention,
  • 2 miscellaneous suggestions, and
  • 1 question for YOU the reader to ponder.

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